“La vera libertà è la libertà di scegliere,
e solo quando hai tutte le opzioni ben chiare puoi considerarti libero”  


Orientare è un’attività delicata; va condotta solo ed esclusivamente quando si posseggono requisiti di professionalità e competenza certificati. Orientare è anche un privilegio ed ha senso solo se si possiede anche la capacità di empatizzare; è una sinergia tra tutor e studente per pervenire ad una progettualità che tenga presente anche del “non detto”.

– Paola Stefanello

Hi, my name is Giorgia Dimiccoli and I would love to share my experiences of studying at ARU with you, and these are the top five questions I answer every time!

Faculty:  Business and Law
School: School of Management
Course: BSc (Hons) International Business Management
Category: Business
year: 3rd

6 November 2019

What’s your subject and why would you recommend it?

When I – sadly – leave ARU, I want my professional life to be vibrant. I want to move across countries, be flexible, and meet new people. My degree, International Business Management, is giving me the opportunity to achieve such a goal. Modules include Marketing, Leadership, Economics, and Contemporary Issues.

How are you benefiting in terms of your career progression?

Apart from brilliant lecturers and amazing modules, ARU offers me tons of tools to boost my future career prospects. And that’s exactly what the Employment Bureau did when they hired me to become a Faculty Student Ambassador. Thanks to them, I’m here talking about my experience, and how your future might look.

(Little tip as a third-year student: mind your assignments as well as your part-time work. Find the right balance for you. But other than that, have a go, sign up with the Employment Bureau, and get out of your comfort zone!)

What’s special about Cambridge?

I have loved being a student in Cambridge. If, like me, you come from another cultural background, things might get tough along the way. But when you find yourself in a city as multicultural as Cambridge, it is impossible to feel like a fish out of the water.

We know your first step into university is important, and we want you to be surrounded by amazing and friendly students like I’ve experienced, in a pleasant and cooperating environment like ARU, right from day one.

As for your social life, what does ARU have to offer?

You can get involved in billions of activities that are running on campus and in the city. It’s a great way to feel part of the big University family, too.

Whatever your hobby or passion is, grab a membership card for any University society and enjoy it! You could join my South Korean friend’s society, if you’re into K-Pop. Or try out as many sports as I did, if you love exercising and meeting new people through your hobby: I’ve tried climbing, ultimate Frisbee and more.

You could even start a society yourself…

Would you choose ARU again?

This is an easy question: Yes, yes! Plus, I would get more involved than ever, because there’s always so much to do.

ARU keeps on innovating, striving to make us succeed in our life, and has a perfect work-life balance culture. In a community where your opinions are fully respected, I feel freedom of expression in my veins! This is something I’ve never had in my life, and I am so grateful for being part of it.

I’m so glad I moved to Cambridge, too. I am a more confident woman, I can communicate so much better with people, and I’m aware I can make a difference. In fact, I think I already am, thanks to ARU.

Giorgia Dimiccoli, ARU student 2016-2019

Sessione ZERO

Colloquio conoscitivo via Skype in presenza di genitori e studente della durata di circa mezz’ora: ha l’obiettivo di capire le dinamiche tra i soggetti coinvolti, nell’ ottica di una analisi di rete.

Colloquio 1 individuale

Colloquio Skype individuale con lo studente per analizzare interessi ed inclinazioni. L’ obiettivo e’ quello di dare piena liberta’ allo studente di esprimersi anche in termini passioni. Svolgimento di test attitudinali. Durata del colloquio: 1 ora.

Colloquio 2 individuale

Colloquio Skype con lo studente finalizzato a presentare le opportunità formative in essere, con uno sguardo alla effettiva realizzazione delle aspirazioni, e un occhio al mercato del lavoro. Molto importante e’ presentare la situazione occupazionale attuale.  Durata del colloquio: 45 minuti.

Colloquio 3

Consulenza e divulgazione offerta formativa all’estero (università, corsi di formazione, requisiti e modalità di accesso alle Università in UK). Durata del colloquio 45 minuti.

Stai pensando di fare domanda per un`altra università?
In quanto centro registrato UCAS, siamo a disposizione per consulenze specifiche per molte altre università su richiesta.

Per maggiori informazioni contattaci!